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How to Treat a Wood Table

Wood tables are used for many applications. There are many different types of wood, with pine being one of the more common. Over time this wood will rot if not treated properly. Treating wood tables makes them last longer and helps them withstand the elements of the outdoors. Treating a wood table can be completed by any homeowner and while completion may take a few days, the results are hard to argue with.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Rags
  • Dish soap
  • Wood sealer
  • Sandpaper
  • Soft paint brush
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    • 1

      Clean the wood table thoroughly to remove any dust and residue. Pour dish soap and water on a rag and begin scrubbing every side of the table. Clean the bottom and the underside of the table and the chairs or bench. Clean until all residue and grease have been removed. Dry off with clean rags and allow more time to properly air dry.

    • 2

      Sand the table with fine-grade sandpaper. This will help smooth out the surface. Clean off any debris left over from sanding. Apply a thin coat of wood sealer with a brush. Cover the entire area of the table with smooth, clean strokes and allow time to dry.

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      Sand the surface once again to smooth the table out and apply a second coat of sealer. Apply in the same manner as the first coat was applied and allow time to properly dry. Sand the surface again.

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      Apply a third coat to the table. Allow to dry thoroughly and if the wood is still absorbing the sealant, an additional coat may be applied.

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      Give the table 24 hours to completely dry before using the surface.