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How to Lacquer a Table

Lacquer is a finishing product that is often used for wood furniture. It dries relatively quickly, sands easily and requires only four coats to protect a wood surface. Lacquer is typically sprayed onto a piece of furniture to achieve a flawless finish, but you can also brush it on if necessary. You can lacquer the surface of a table in a day, allowing you to get it back in the dining room quickly.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic tarp
  • Soapy water and rag
  • Sandpaper
  • Tack cloth
  • Sprayable lacquer
  • Paint gun (optional)
  • Goggles
  • Respirator
  • Rubber gloves
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    • 1

      Spread a large plastic tarp on the floor of a garage or covered outdoor area. If working in a garage, leave the door open for ventilation.

    • 2

      Set the table onto the tarp.

    • 3

      Wash the table thoroughly with soapy water to clean off any dirt or other surface debris. Allow it to dry.

    • 4

      Sand the table's surface with 250-grit sandpaper to prepare it for lacquer.

    • 5

      Wipe the sanded surface with a tack cloth to remove the sanding dust.

    • 6

      Add sprayable lacquer into the paint reservoir of a spray gun. If you have lacquer that is already packaged in an aerosol can, you can skip this step.

    • 7

      Spray a coat of lacquer onto the table surface, working in long stripes following the length of table. Overlap each pass slightly onto the one before it to ensure full coverage.

    • 8

      Allow the lacquer to dry for the amount of time printed on the lacquer container.

    • 9

      Sand the surface of the table with 250-grit sandpaper, then wipe it with a tack cloth to remove the dust.

    • 10

      Apply three more coats of lacquer, drying and sanding each before adding the next.

    • 11

      Allow the final coat of lacquer to dry completely. Do not sand it as this is the surface coat.