Home Garden

How to Clean Vinyl Lawn Furniture

Vinyl lawn furniture is waterproof, making it a popular choice for decorating the deck or pool area of your home. Due to the type of use vinyl lawn furniture sees (swimmers taking a break, sunbathers relaxing on a hot summer's day, muddy kids galavanting around), the chairs and other accessories need to be cleaned often. Cleaning vinyl lawn furniture not only keeps germs at bay but also protects the material from damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Dish detergent
  • Sponge
  • Garden hose
  • Bleach
  • Pressure washer
  • Towels
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      Wipe down your vinyl patio furniture on a regular basis with a soft cloth or sponge and plain water. This can be done daily or weekly, depending on how heavy usage your furniture gets. Regular cleaning can help reduce dirt and oil build up.

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      Fill a bucket with warm water and a couple of squirts of dish detergent. Clean your vinyl furniture with the soapy mixture when you notice ground-in dirt or other stains on the vinyl. Rinse the furniture with your garden hose.

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      Tackle mold and mildew by cleaning vinyl furniture with a solution made from equal parts of bleach and water. Test the solution on the underside of a chair to be sure the color will not be altered.

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      Use a pressure washer to remove very stubborn stains. This method may not be possible to use on older furniture that is beginning to show its age. The pressure could damage the structural elements of the vinyl and frame even more.

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      Pat your furniture dry with a towel or allow it to air-dry in the sun.