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Care of Cypress Outdoor Furniture

Outdoor furniture made of cypress naturally resists the elements because it contains cypressine, an oil that helps preserve the wood and repels insects and molds. It is naturally durable and resists warping, making it useful for long-lasting outdoor furniture. Cypress outdoor furniture does not require a lot of maintenance, but there are basic routines you can follow to help it last and keep it looking attractive for years.
  1. Cleaning

    • The best method for cleaning cypress outdoor furniture is the simplest, requiring only a soft brush and water with mild soap. Murphy's Oil Soap can also be used. How often the furniture requires cleaning depends on the furniture's location and how soiled it gets; generally, once a month is adequate in most situations. Once the furniture has been cleaned, it should be rinsed well to remove all traces of the soap and avoid buildup of films that can be detrimental to the preservation of the wood. Once the furniture has been cleaned, allow it to dry thoroughly before applying or reapplying any further treatment.


    • Once the furniture has been cleaned and allowed to dry, a variety of oils can be applied to help protect the wood from UV and weather damage. Oil should only be applied once or twice a year depending on how frequently the furniture is used, and whether furniture covers are also used to help protect it from the elements. The oil should be allowed to soak into the wood for a couple hours before the excess is wiped off with a soft, dry rag. Furniture wax can also be used once or twice a year in a thin layer for additional UV protection and shine as well as a barrier to insects.


    • Though cypress outdoor furniture is very resistant to the elements, it will last much longer if it is not outdoors when it is not being used. During the summer when it is in use, furniture covers should be used to protect it during rainy periods. This will also help keep it clean and preserve the finish. The covers should be removed at least once a month to let the furniture air out and dry out in case of any condensation that may have built up underneath it. At this time, it should also be inspected for any possible insect infestation. Once the season is over and the furniture is no longer being used, it is best to store it in an enclosed area such as a storage shed or basement.