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How to Decoupage a Plastic Parson Table

Decoupage is the process of applying pictures, text and other flat paper items to a surface as an embellishment. If you want to use photographs, scan them into a computer and print them out on standard printer paper. Let any printed pieces dry for at least several hours so the ink does not smudge. Consider using photographs of family or friends, old love letters and other personal items to make a very customized and significant table of your own.

Things You'll Need

  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Rags
  • Spray paint
  • Items to decoupage, trimmed to fit
  • Camera
  • Decoupage medium
  • Sponge paintbrush
  • Spray varnish
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    • 1

      Lightly sand the plastic table to roughen the surface. Wipe away all of the sanding dust with a clean rag. Spray-paint the table with a product made specifically for plastic, if you wish; let the table dry for 12 to 24 hours.

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      Lay out the pictures and other items you want to decoupage on the table. Move them around until you like the appearance. Overlap pictures to create a more dynamic look.

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      Shoot a picture of the arrangement with your digital camera so you remember how the pieces you want to decoupage were arranged. Clear off the table and set the items to the side. Select the first item you want to decoupage; be sure to choose a bottom-most item if your pieces are overlapped.

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      Turn the piece face down on a flat surface that is not the table to be decoupaged. Apply an even, thin coat of decoupage medium to the back of the piece, using a sponge brush. Carefully pick up the item and move it to its location on the tabletop.

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      Place the item slowly, moving from one end to the other. Gently smooth out any wrinkles with your fingertip as you go. Lightly run your fingers around the edges to make sure the edges are secure.

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      Move the fingers of your nondominant hand to the center of the item and lay them lightly on the surface. Apply decoupage medium over the edges of the piece from the inside out until they are covered all the way around. Paint more medium over the entire piece in straight, even lines.

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      Affix the rest of the pieces in the same way that you did the first. You do not need to wait for each piece to dry before adding another, even if they are layered. The decoupage will dry clear as long as you do not apply it too thickly.

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      Let the table dry for 12 to 24 hours. Move the table to a well-ventilated area if it is not there already. Apply a clear spray varnish made for plastic surfaces evenly over the entire piece, and allow it to dry for the manufacturer-recommended amount of time before using the table.