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How to Paint Wood Patio Furniture for the Weather

Like any outdoor wooden fixtures, wood patio furniture requires painting with exterior paint if you want the paint job to hold up in inclement weather. While exterior paint alone creates a more stable paint job, if you want to keep wood patio furniture looking its best for longer, you may want to add a waterproof coating. Generally transparent, waterproof coatings protect the paint job without detracting from the appearance of the furniture.

Things You'll Need

  • Latex caulking
  • Putty knife
  • Medium-grit sandpaper
  • Sanding block
  • Exterior wood primer
  • Paintbrushes
  • Exterior wood paint
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
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      Fill any holes or cracks in the wood furniture prior to painting. Iowa State University recommends using latex caulking that can be painted for the most effective waterproofing. Squeeze latex caulking into each hole or crack and spread the caulking with a putty knife until it sits even with, or slightly above, the surface of the wood.

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      Go over any rough patches of wood on the patio furniture, and the areas filled with caulking, with medium-grit sandpaper. Put the sandpaper on a sanding block and sand along with the grain until the wood surface feels smooth.

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      Apply the recommended exterior primer for the type of paint that you intend to use. Apply primer to the wood patio furniture with a paintbrush just as you apply paint, in long strokes with the grain of the wood. Let the primer dry fully before painting.

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      Use an exterior paint that states specifically that it is intended for use on wood. Paint the wood furniture in long strokes with the grain as you applied the primer. Use a smaller brush if necessary to get into spaces between slats on furniture or in carved areas of the wood.

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      Allow the first coat of paint to dry fully before applying the second coat. Apply as many coats of paint as necessary to reach the desired color for the wood patio furniture and allow the paint to fully dry.

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      Finish the dried paint job with a polyurethane coating to protect the paint from the weather. Just as you did with the primer and the paint, apply polyurethane to the surface of the wood furniture in long strokes with the paint brush, creating a thin, even layer on the surface. Allow the coating to dry, sand with fine-grit sandpaper and apply a second coat of polyurethane.