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How to Redo Furniture With Paint

A coat of paint is an inexpensive and simple way to renovate your old furniture. Over time, the original finish becomes dull and scratched on many furniture pieces. As your style changes, you may consider buying new furniture. Painting gives you a new look at a fraction of the cost of new furniture. Choose a neutral color like white or black for a classic look or try a bright splash of color to make your furniture a focal point.

Things You'll Need

  • Dropcloth
  • Rags
  • Sander
  • Sandpaper
  • Primer
  • Paint tray
  • Paintbrush
  • Roller
  • Paint
  • Polyurethane
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      Wipe down the surface of the furniture with a clean rag, especially if it has grease, dirt or other debris.

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      Sand the furniture using a sander or a piece of sandpaper. This roughs up the surface so the primer and paint is better able to stick. Wipe the piece again with a clean cloth to remove any dust remaining after you sand.

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      Apply an even layer of primer to the furniture to cover the old color and to help the paint stick and cover well. Use a paintbrush or a paint roller to apply the primer. Use smooth, even strokes to ensure the surface of the piece is fully covered; avoid thicker areas or drips because they will show through on the final coat of paint.

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      Brush or roll on the selected paint color in a thin layer once the primed surface dries. Watch your application so the paint doesn't drip, run or become thick in certain areas. Allow the first coat to dry completely.

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      Apply a second thin coat of paint, watching for drips or thick areas. After the second coat dries, inspect the furniture to see if the paint covers the wood completely, without patchy areas. Apply a third coat, if necessary, to get even coverage.

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      Protect the furniture by applying two coats of polyurethane after the last coat of paint is completely dry. This step is optional but provides protection for your furniture and makes cleanup easier.