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What Products to Use for Leather Furniture Care

Leather furniture can really make a statement about your room, adding beauty and richness, as well as comfort. By taking proper care of your leather furniture, you'll ensure that it continues to provide you with eye-catching beauty and luxurious comfort. Follow a few simple procedures to care for your leather furniture on a regular basis--the leather will improve with age and you'll enjoy your furniture for years to come.
  1. Stain Remover

    • Stain remover made specifically for leather will help remove stubborn stains.

      Inevitably, there will be spills or stains on your leather furniture, particularly if you have children. Having a product made specifically for removing stains from leather is important, as regular household products and cleaners can damage, stain or discolor your leather furniture. Leather is a porous material, so the sooner you can get to a stain, the better. Use an ink and stain remover to get rid of most stubborn stains such as ink, lipstick, crayon and food stains. Again, the key is to get to the stain quickly and follow directions.

    Leather Cleaner

    • The right leather cleaner will keep your leather in tip-top shape.

      Used once a month, leather cleaner will help keep your leather furniture free from dirt and soiling. A regular leather cleaner does only what it says it does--it gives your furniture a normal, everyday cleaning and is best used prior to conditioning your leather. Leather cleaners are properly Ph balanced so they do not stain or discolor your furniture. Furniture that is kept in a more high-traffic area or is used more frequently and exposed to pets and/or children will benefit from a stronger cleaner.

    Leather Conditioner

    • Conditioner will keep your leather furniture soft and supple.

      Condition your leather furniture on a regular basis to keep the leather soft and free from cracking or peeling. There are many leather conditioners on the market, as well as "home remedy"-style leather conditioners. Mink oil has been used for conditioning leather for years. It goes on a little heavy and greasy but once buffed in, the leather will soak in the oil, leaving a softness behind. As with any leather product, test mink oil in an inconspicuous place before using on your entire piece of furniture.