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Classification of Different Types of Leather for Sofas

When shopping for a sofa, it is important to be aware of the different types of leather used in making this large piece of furniture. Each type of furniture-grade leather has its own specific qualities. The type of leather used in a sofa will impact the sofa's feel, durability and resale value.
  1. Top Grain Leather

    • Top grain leather is considered by furniture makers to be the most durable type of leather used in sofas. Top grain leather sofas are made from the portion of the animal hide that is the strongest. Top grain leather holds color well and has a rich, high-quality appearance. Top grain leather is often not sanded and therefore the patterns and natural grain of the leather are fully intact. Some customers find the appearance of the grain unappealing, while others will like it for this very reason.

    Aniline Leather

    • Aniline leather sofas are made from the softest and most luxurious leather. Aniline leather is most often associated with high-end leather sofas. Aniline leather is typically sold uncolored and is treated with a mild dye to hide imperfections. Aniline leather has the disadvantage of not being very stain resistant and easily scratched or torn by pets.


    • Semi-aniline leather is a happy medium between the soft and supple nature of full aniline leather and the tough, stain resistance of top grain leather. Semi aniline leather often has a tiny amount of pigment mixed in along with other chemicals intended to increase stain resistance.

    Pigmented Leather

    • Pigmented leather is the type of leather used on the sofas sold in most discount or bulk merchandisers. Pigmented leather, as the name implies, is treated with dyes that color the leather typically brown, black or white. Even though pigmented leather can be very tough and rigid, it is these same qualities that make it desirable to people with pets, children or other conditions that may subject the sofa to abuse. Pigmented leather will soften somewhat with age.