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How to Test for Real Leather on Furniture

There's nothing quite like real leather, but some man-made imitation materials can come close enough to fool you at a first, or even second glance. Since you don't want to sink money into what looks like a good deal, only to discover that it's a fake, it's always a good idea to make sure that the material you're looking at is genuine. Employ a few simple tests using sight, touch and even smell to figure out if the leather is real or imitation.

Things You'll Need

  • Magnifying glass
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      Pinch the furniture at a place where the material is loose enough for you to pull it away from the cushioning and roll it between your fingers. Real leather will have a stiffness to it and stick to itself when it rubs together. Fake leather will feel thin and floppy, and you may notice the sensation of the textured underside grating together.

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      Search for a label that tells you what the furniture is made from, usually attached to the underside of the piece. This will inform you if the material is synthetic or real leather.

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      Smell the material. Leather has a distinctive smell that can't be imitated, whereas fake leathers will have a chemical smell. (A chemical smell doesn't necessarily mean fake, due to the scents of certain dyes and conditioners, but it's a decent indicator.)

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      Examine the edge and underside of the leather. Look for the end of the material; if it's fake, it will usually have a folded hem edge while real leather will simply have blunt, cut edges. You can usually find a fabric end on the underside of the bottom skirting portions or on the back of the piece of furniture.

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      Look at the pattern of the skin texturing on the material. On fake leather, this pattern is created using a machine or stamp and will have a repeating pattern, whereas the pattern of real leather has no repeating portions. You may have to look carefully and view a large area of pattern in order to see repeats -- though with some fake leathers, it will be pretty obvious.

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      Hold your hand firmly against the material for a few minutes. Real leather is porous, so your hand won't feel moist and sweaty or stick to it, though it will with fake leather.