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How to Build Kitchen Cabinet Shelves

Kitchen cabinets usually come with a series of handy shelves already installed. However, you may find that you want to remove, replace, or add to these shelves for a variety of reasons. Designing a storage system that suits the contents of your kitchen is essential to creating a comfortable and functional space for preparing and serving your meals. Building kitchen cabinet shelves is a very cost effective way to add storage space to your kitchen.

Things You'll Need

  • Screwdriver
  • Measuring tape
  • Medium density fiberboard
  • Table saw
  • Level
  • Brackets
  • Screws
  • Drill
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    • 1

      Remove the door from the cabinet. This will make working inside the cabinet much easier. You may also want to remove surrounding shelves if possible to make your work space as large as possible.

    • 2

      Measure the interior of the cabinet that you will be building shelves for. You will need to know the width and depth of the space you are working in. If there are existing shelves in the cabinet, you may also want to measure their thickness so that your new shelves will match the existing ones.

    • 3

      Cut a piece of medium density fiberboard to the required dimensions for your new shelf. You can do this yourself using a table saw, or purchase pre-cut shelves that are appropriate for your needs.

    • 4

      Mark the area where you will be placing the brackets for your new shelf. You should install two brackets on each end and at least one bracket along the backside of the shelf. If the cabinet has a center support between two cabinets, you can install a bracket on the backside of this as well. Use a level when measuring for brackets to make sure that they are on a perfectly straight line with one another.

    • 5

      Drill holes for each bracket and screw the brackets in securely. Install the shelf so that it is sitting securely on the brackets.

    • 6

      Reinstall the cabinet doors as well as any shelving that may have been removed for the project.