Home Garden

How to Make a Built-in Oven Cabinet

Building a cabinet surround for your oven so that it can match the rest of your cabinetry is an excellent way to ensure that your kitchen presents an appearance of organization and unity. This can be useful when installing a new oven or can be done to improve the appearance of the area around the current oven. This procedure should be customized to fit your oven and the area of your cabinetry enclosure. Building the oven into an existing space requires only the bottom frame of the cabinet to be built, then installed into the space and the existing countertop.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Plywood sheets, 3/4-inch thick
  • Saw
  • Metal L-brackets, 3-inch
  • Drill
  • Drill bits
  • Wood screws, 3/4-inch
  • 2-by-4 boards
  • Wood screws, 3-inch
  • Wood screws, 1-inch
  • Cabinet wood trim boards
  • Finishing nails
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    • 1

      Measure the width and depth of the oven cabinet opening. Cut two 3/4-inch plywood boards that would fit this space, to serve as the top and bottom boards of the cabinet frame.

    • 2

      Measure the height of the opening and subtract 1 1/2-inches to account for the top and bottom boards. Cut out two 3/4-inch plywood boards to this height and with a depth equivalent to the depth of the top and bottom boards. These will be the side boards of the cabinet.

    • 3

      Stand the two side boards of the cabinet on what will be their rear edges, parallel to each other and spaced apart the width of the cabinet. Position the top board against one pair of the side board's ends. Set 3-inch metal L-brackets between the top board and each side board, spaced every 6 inches. Attach the brackets to the boards with 3/4-inch wood screws. Repeat to add the bottom board in the same manner.

    • 4

      Determine whether there is space in the rear and front of the cabinet for two-by-four supports, which are not necessary but are helpful. Cut out four 2-by-4-inch boards the same height as the side boards if there is space for them, and position them in the cabinet where they will not interfere with the oven or its pipes and cords.

    • 5

      Attach the two-by-four supports to the cabinet by drilling two 3-inch wood screws through the top and bottom boards and into each end of each two-by-four.

    • 6

      Slide the cabinet into position and attach it to the cabinets on either side by drilling through the side boards into the adjacent cabinets with 1-inch wood screws, spaced in a 12-inch grid.

    • 7

      Drill through the inside of the top board of the cabinet and into the countertop, making holes in a 12-inch grid. Attach the cabinet to the countertop with a 1-inch wood screw in each hole.

    • 8

      Slide the oven into the cabinet.

    • 9

      Attach trim boards that match the rest of the cabinet coloring around the exterior of the oven cabinet frame with finishing nails spaced every 6 inches. Hammer them in place carefully without damaging the trim boards.