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How to Refinish an Antique Table and Bentwood Chairs

Refinishing refers to the stripping of a surface finish on wooden furniture to apply a new finish, whether it be with wood stain or with paint. If you are an antique collector or are shopping for an antique piece, keep in mind that the surface finish can be changed to suit your design's color scheme. Refinishing antique furniture can give it new life and a different look.
Refinishing an antique table and bentwood chairs requires some knowledge and very few tools. It can be accomplished in a few hours.

Things You'll Need

  • 180 grit sandpaper
  • Orbital sander
  • Sanding sponge
  • Rag to remove dust and debris before staining
  • Wood stain
  • Staining sponge or brush to apply stain
  • Polyurethane
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      Sand the surface of the table and chairs with the orbital sander to remove the existing finish. Be sure to sand in the same direction as the grain of the wood.

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      Use the sanding sponge to get into the cracks and crevices of the chairs and table parts to be sure all of the existing finish has been removed. If the old finish is not completely removed, the new finish will not look even.

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      Wipe down the table and chairs with a soft cloth to remove any dust and debris.

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      Use the brush or cloth to apply an even coat of stain or paint to the table and chairs. If you are using a liquid wood stain, be sure to wipe the areas where excess stain has been applied to prevent dripping and running.

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      Let dry for about one hour. Then add a second coat of stain or paint if you desire a darker finish.

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      Allow to dry for one more hour.

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      Apply two coats of polyurethane. Use a brush to coat the entire surface of the chairs and table. Polyurethane will protect the new finish and keep it looking better for longer.