Home Garden

How to Make a Cable Tray for a Desk

Cable trays prevent a mass of cables and wires from hanging down into a room or under a desk. They make the area tidier and, therefore, safer to move around in by keeping the cables secured in one place. You can make a cable tray for a desk that does not already have one and increase the usable space underneath your work space.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • 3 1/2-inch-thick plywood sheets
  • Circular saw
  • Drill
  • Screwdriver with drill bit
  • 3/4-inch-long screws
  • 3 L-brackets
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    • 1

      Measure the width of the space underneath the desk with a tape measure. Cut two sheets of 1/2-inch-thick plywood to the length measurement and 8 inches in width with a circular saw. Cut another sheet of plywood to the length measurement and 4 inches in width.

    • 2

      Connect the two 8-inch-wide plywood sheets at right angles to one another to form an “L” shape. Use a drill with a screwdriver drill bit and one countersunk, 3/4-inch-long screw per foot of length along the joint. Screw the 4-inch-wide plywood sheet to the end of one of the 8-inch-wide pieces at right angles and use the same number of 3/4-inch-long screws as before.

    • 3

      Stand the U-shaped structure you have built so there is one 8-inch-wide piece and one 4-inch-wide piece standing vertically. Screw three L-brackets to the open end of the 8-inch-wide vertical piece so there are L-brackets 3 inches from either end of the piece and one L-bracket in the middle of the piece. Screw the tray to the underside of the desk with the L-brackets.