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How to Make a Desk From Pallets

A desk is an invaluable work station that can be used for planning, study, drawing or paperwork. The one drawback when choosing a desk to fill you needs is price. Many desks are carefully crafted pieces that are extremely expensive. One way to avoid this cost is to build your own desk. You can further save money by recycling materials. One readily available source of desk building wood is shipping pallets. These strong wooden platforms can be picked up from many stores free of charge and can be used to build a desk that will last for years.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 matching pallets
  • 3 treated boards (2 inches by 4 inches by 6 feet)
  • Hammer
  • 16d nails
  • Plywood (4 feet by 8 feet by 5/8 inch)
  • Palm sander with heavy grit sandpaper
  • Rags
  • Work gloves
  • Safety glasses
  • Dust mask
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    • 1

      Visit a local store or warehouse. Ask the manager for two scrap pallets. Choose two that are identical so that your desk will be level.

    • 2

      Stand the pallets on their end. Space them 6 feet apart. Hold a board against the top edge of the pallets. Drive 16d nails through the board and into the pallets.

    • 3

      Connect another board on the opposite side of the top ends of the pallets. Connect the final board to the bottom edges of the pallets to complete the frame of your desk.

    • 4

      Lay the piece of plywood on top of your frame. Attach the plywood to the boards running along the top of the frame.

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      Smooth the top surface of the plywood with your palm sander. Rub the vibrating sander across the plywood lengthwise until it is smooth and blemish-free.