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How to Kill Mold on Leather

Mold will grow on any leather products kept in a damp and dark location. Leather couches, purses, coats and belts are all susceptible. Moldy leather contains black spots or powdery green, gray or white deposits. The most effective treatment to kill mold on leather surfaces depends on the type and quality of the leather. Killing mold on soft or finer quality leather can stain, weaken or discolor your leather. To prevent damaging your leather, always test a treatment on a small, unnoticeable section of the leather to check for potential damage before you treat the entire surface.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean rags
  • Soft-bristle toothbrush
  • Bucket of water
  • Newspaper
  • Leather mold repair kit
  • Rubber gloves
  • Leather shampoo
  • Leather conditioner
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      Prevent the spread of mold by taking the leather item to be cleaned outside for treatment. Removing mold indoors spreads mold spores through the air, allowing them to spread to other surfaces. If the leather item cannot be moved, place a newspaper under the item to catch the mold spores. Remember to throw the newspaper away after cleaning to reduce the chance of spreading mold through your home.

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      Use a wet rag to remove as much mold as possible from the surface of the leather. Do not rinse and reuse the rag as this will only spread the mold spores back onto the surface of your leather. Throw the rags away immediately after cleaning.

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      Use a clean toothbrush to kill the mold in seams or cracks in your leather. Wet the toothbrush and gently brush mold off the areas you cannot reach with a towel. Wipe the mold off with a clean cloth. Throw away the toothbrush after use.

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      Purchase a mold removal solution specifically formulated for leather cleaning. If the mold is not completely killed off, its roots will remain in your leather, and the mold will reappear.

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      Shampoo your leather thoroughly with leather shampoo or cleaner to prepare the surface. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush for hard-to-clean areas.

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      Allow the leather to dry before proceeding. You can dry some leather by placing it outside directly in the sun; this will also kill mold spores. Direct sunlight, however, can cause your leather to fade and become unevenly colored. Use caution if placing your leather item outside.

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      Spray the mold-killing product over the leather or wipe on with a clean sponge as directed. Allow the spray to dry; you don't need to remove it from the leather. Repeat this process as necessary until you have fully removed the mold from the leather.

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      Apply a leather conditioner to protect your leather product from further damage. This will return some of the natural moisture and prevent reappearance of any mold.

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      Store your leather items in a well-ventilated, dry area of your home. Damp, dark closets or mildew-infested basements are not the ideal place to store leather.