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How to Clean Cat Urine From a Couch

Cats are most at home curled up asleep on a bed or couch. But when kitty starts using your furniture as a potty rather than a place for a cat nap, your couch can become a no-go area for the people in your household. Cat urine is more concentrated than that of other domestic pets, and so it contains more urea. This means it is more likely to cause a stain and is one of the reasons cat urine is hard to remove. Remove the urine as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper towels or clean cloths
  • Enzyme-based cat urine cleaner
  • Baking soda
  • Citronella essential oil
  • Spray bottle
  • Cat treats
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      Blot the wet urine with a paper towel or clean cloth to remove excess liquid. Do this several times with clean paper towels or cloths until they come away dry. Use a pressing motion to avoid spreading the urine around. If your couch covers are loose ones, removed them for further blotting.

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      Put a small amount of enzyme-based cat urine treatment on your couch as a test to ensure it won't stain or damage your fabric.

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      Apply a thin layer of baking soda to the stain and leave overnight. This will help to absorb leftover liquid and temporarily remove the smell.

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      Brush the baking soda away. It may have changed color slightly after absorbing urine, but this is nothing to worry about.

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      Apply the enzyme-based pet product to a clean cloth rather than directly onto the fabric. This will keep the fabric from becoming saturated with liquid and prevent any damage.

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      Use a circular motion with the cloth, working from the edge of the stain inward. Circular motions prevent the more densely soiled area at the center of the stain being spread to the less concentrated edges, and it limits the potential for the urine being rubbed into the surrounding unsoiled fabric.

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      Mix two or three drops of citronella essential oil with water in a spray bottle, and spray onto your couch once the pet cleaner has dried. Most cats don't like citrus scents, so yours will likely avoid this area. The citronella scent will also replace any remaining urine smells.

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      Move your cat's food bowl near to the couch or offer her treats there. Most cats won't urinate near their food.