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How to Redo Sofa Cushions

If the idea of replacing sofa cushions is prohibitive, a simple and easy way to create a big impact in a room is to redo or recover old, frayed or stained cushions with fresh fabric. Not only does the process save money, it adds new life to the existing cushions, allows you to explore your creativity and liven up the appearance of the sofa. Decorative details such as tassels or trim along the edges provides instant personalization.

Things You'll Need

  • Seam ripper
  • Cushion cover fabric
  • Pins
  • Scissors
  • Sewing machine and matching thread
  • Ironing board
  • Iron
  • Lapped zip
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    • 1

      Remove the existing cover from the sofa cushions using a seam ripper. Be careful not to tear the cushion cover. Put it aside to use as a pattern for the new cover. Each cushion cover is comprised of six parts: the top, bottom and four sides. The four side or depth pieces are usually sewn together to form a long strip.

    • 2

      Spread the new cushion fabric on a hard surface and brush it with your hand to remove creases or folds. Lay the cushion pattern over the new fabric and pin it in place. Carefully cut around the pattern with sharp fabric scissors. Remove the pins and set the pattern aside.

    • 3

      Sew the four side pieces together to form a long strip using a 1/2-inch seam. Position the ends of the strip together and sew over them using a 1/2-inch seam, creating a loop. Lay the loop on the ironing board and press the seams open using an iron.

    • 4

      Spread the bottom piece of the cushion on a table. Lay a lapped zip on one of its width sides and insert pins to secure it in place. Pin the corresponding length from the fabric loop sewn in Step 3 to the other side of the zip. Sew the zip to the fabric using a sewing machine.

    • 5

      Insert pins to join the remaining three sides of the loop to the bottom fabric cutout. Ensure the right sides are together. Align the loop so the corners on the bottom piece match its seams. Sew the fabric pieces together using a 1/2-inch seam. Pull the zip open.

    • 6

      Align the fabric loop to the corresponding four sides of the top fabric. With the right sides together, secure with pins. Reposition the fabric, if necessary, so the corners match the seams on the loop. Sew the fabric using a 1/2-inch seam.

    • 7

      Turn the cushion cover right side out and smooth the corners using your fingers. Insert the cushion foam through the zipper hole before pulling it closed.