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How to Dry out a Wood Chair That Was Left in the Rain

Water can damage wood in different ways. It can stain, warp, crack and split wood, according to Restoration SOS. Mold can also develop in the wood if it remains wet. Wooden furniture left out in the rain can become severely damaged in just a few days. It may take as long as several months to properly dry a water-damaged wooden chair. You will have a greater chance of success and recovery if you dry the wooden chair as soon as possible.

Things You'll Need

  • Garden hose
  • Dehumidifer
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      Rinse off any dirt with clean water from a garden hose. Dirt that is not rinsed off may become stuck to the wood. Run water through the garden hose for a few minutes prior to rinsing the wooden chair to avoid spraying the chair with any debris that may be inside the hose.

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      Move the chair to a location that is protected from rain and sun. While the wooden chair is drying, you do not want it to get rained on again. Direct sunlight will cause the wood to dry too fast in some areas, which can lead to cracks in the wood. Make sure the location also receives plenty of air circulation. Circulating fresh air is the best method for gradual drying.

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      Run a dehumidifier if the location is inside to maintain a steady humidity level and ensure slow, even drying. A dehumidifier may not be necessary if you live in desert areas with a dry climate. In more humid areas, a dehumidifier is essential for drying. Too much moisture in the air will not allow the wooden chair to dry naturally.