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Lightweight Bedding for Bad Backs

One-third of your life is spent in bed, according to the Better Sleep Council. Daily activities, the position in which you sleep and your bedding can affect how rested you feel and the condition of your back when you wake up. According to the Sleep Like the Dead website, some believe that a firm mattress is the best type of bedding for bad backs, but the online Spine-Health resource states that findings on studies regarding the best bedding for bad backs are inconclusive.
  1. Significance

    • Back pain is a common ailment that has many causes. Stress, injuries, repetitive movements, poor posture, weight gain or even a lack of physical activity can lead to back problems. A back condition can become so severe that it can affect an individual’s quality of life. When coupled with the inability to sleep well, a person can experience decreased productivity, mood changes and higher stress levels. Experimenting with different bedding and sleep positions can help with back problems to minimize pain and wake up feeling refreshed in the morning.

    Types of Lightweight Bedding

    • Contoured pillows made of foam keep their shape as you sleep and help align your spine properly. A chiropractor or sleep specialist can recommend a pillow based on your medical condition. A chiropractor or physician may also recommend other types of pillows that you can position under your legs to help maximize your comfort as you sleep. Foam padding placed on top of your mattress can offer relief if you find one that has the right thickness and firmness for you. A medical-grade egg-crate foam mattress pad can also help a bad back because the contours of the pad relieve pressure points and prevent bed sores. If bedding, such as duvets or comforters, feels heavy on your body as you lay in bed, this weight can cause back strain as you sleep. Instead of using a thick comforter, try using blankets that retain heat well, along with a thin quilt.

    Sleeping Positions

    • The Spine-Health website notes that the best sleeping position for a bad back is to lie on your back with a pillow under your knees. While you can use any type of pillow, a foam or thick pillow that will not lose its shape will work best. Also available are contoured pillows that you can place between your knees, if you're a side sleeper, to help keep your hips aligned. Whether you are pregnant or not, you may also find that a pregnancy pillow can provide the lightweight bedding support and comfort you seek if you like to sleep on your side. If you sleep on your stomach, place a flat, lightweight pillow under your lower abdomen and hips.


    • When it comes to bad backs, sleeping solutions that work well for one individual may not provide the same results for another. When purchasing lightweight bedding, look for material that offers the appropriate amount of support you need to take pressure off of your spine. Additionally, if your bad back is affecting your sleep, talk to your physician regarding your sleep habits, as well as physical therapy exercises and other solutions, to help you gain control over your pain.