Home Garden

Ideas for Wall-Mounting Headboard Pictures

The first item you see when you enter a bedroom is usually the headboard. Headboards define a bedroom and are the focal point of the room. Although most headboards attach to the bed, if you are without a headboard, create one from pictures that you can mount to the wall.
  1. Canvas

    • Canvas makes a good material for a headboard as it is lightweight and attaches to the wall in the same method as a framed picture. These pictures normally come in a predetermined print, but you can also design your own. Paint and stencil a picture onto the canvas, or enlarge and print a favorite picture or vacation photograph on the canvas. Canvas headboards may include one large canvas hung on the wall or a set of three that depict one photograph.


    • A picture screen room divider can become a headboard when you turn it sideways. Although you may be tempted to use color pictures, you can print the photographs in black and white for an edgy look or in sepia for a romantic bedroom appeal. Enlarge the pictures to the same size and landscape mode before printing and inserting them into the screen. A border in the accent color ties the piece to the room while painting the frame the same color as the wall brings out the photographs.


    • Create a headboard that reflects a photo essay of your life. By using a piece of luan cut to the width size of the bed, you can add numerous photographs to the wood. Select pictures that range from the time you were a baby up to the present, and include ones of special events and occasions in your life. Determine the arrangement for the photos before you glue them to the board. Once you finish the design, apply a sealant before attaching it to the wall.


    • A large poster of a favored rock star or movie can serve as a headboard for your bed. Either place it above the bed and frame it with some trim, or insert it into a frame and hang it above the bed. Another option consists of grouping a collection of small framed water colors or prints on the wall. The grouping can consist of five frames across and three frames up. To emphasize both, paint the section where the pictures hang a different color than the wall.