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How to Disassemble a Sliding Window

Disassembling a sliding window is easier if you understand how the window works. If you are planning to reuse the window, you need to be much more careful than if the window is headed for the landfill. Always try to disassemble something sensibly before you resort to whacking it with a sledgehammer. Sometimes, the latter method is the only possibility; however, sliding windows can usually be removed in a more civilized way.

Things You'll Need

  • Crowbar
  • Utility knife
  • Reciprocating saw
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      Pry off the trim that runs vertically in front of the window sash using a crowbar. Cut the paint along the joint between the trim and the window frame using a sharp utility knife to make removal easier.

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      Grasp the top of the lower sash and pull it toward you. If it doesn't move, stop and search for things such as stray nails or painted joints that may be keeping it from moving. When you have freed it, remove it from the frame.

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      Remove the upper sash. Upper sashes are more likely to be stuck or painted shut because they are less frequently moved. Run a sharp utility knife along the joint between the upper sash and the frame to break any painted joints. Do this on both the inside and outside faces of the window. When you have freed it up, remove it from the frame through the side you used to take off the trim.

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      Cut any nails or screws that are holding the frame into the rough opening. Simply cut around the perimeter of the frame with a reciprocating saw. Remove the frame from the rough opening, pulling it out with your hands.