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How to Cut a Backsplash for Outlets

Installing a backsplash often involves cutting the individual backsplash tiles to fit the narrow edges of the tiling surface or around electrical outlets. While cutting the tiles for the edges usually involves a single vertical cut along the tile length, making cuts to accommodate electrical outlets can be complicated, especially when the outlet falls in the center of a backsplash tile. Though complicated, with the proper marking process for the cutting lines and the correct cutting equipment, you can make precisely-placed cuts to fit the tile smoothly into place around the outlet.

Things You'll Need

  • Backsplash tiles
  • Straightedge
  • Wet tile saw
  • Tile adhesive
  • Notched trowel
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    • 1

      Install the backsplash tiles, as you would normally, until you reach the electrical outlet area where you must cut a tile to fit around the cutout in the wall.

    • 2

      Take a backsplash tile and place it over the tile to the right of the outlet. Make sure the tile is at the same row height as the overlapped tile so that you maintain the proper joint gaps after installing the newly-cut tile. Move the tile leftward until the edge of the tile is even with the cutout in the wall. Mark the top and bottom edges of the cutout onto the left side of the tile with a marker.

    • 3

      Place the cutting tile onto the tile beneath the electrical outlet, overlapping it as you did the tile to the right. Raise the tile until its top is even with the bottom of the electrical cutout. Mark the left and right edges of the cutout onto the top edge of the tile.

    • 4

      Set the cutting tile on a flat surface. Place a straightedge on each of the four markings made on the tiles and use it to extend the markings completely across the face of the tile. The square area made within the markings is the area for removal to fit the tile around the backsplash.

    • 5

      Turn the tile over and use the markings along its edge to transfer the lines drawn on the front to the rear of the tile. These will be your cutting lines.

    • 6

      Place the tile face-down onto the platform of a wet tile saw with one of the cutting lines aligned with the saw blade. Choose the cutting line closest to the tile edge. You’ll want to plan your cuts so that you cut away as little of the tile as possible, leaving as much whole tile remaining as you can to form the bulk of the coverage of the space, with any small tile slivers necessary for covering the edges around the outlet.

    • 7

      Cut out the outlined area within the square, marking the location of the outlet with the saw. Follow the cutting lines with the blade, cutting in toward the innermost edge of the outlet marking. Make two horizontal cuts from the edge of the tile to the far edge of the outlet then make two vertical lines from the outlet edge closest to the edge of the tile toward the edge furthest away. Remove the center piece then make a final cut to remove the outlet body from the tile, leaving only the tile edge piece that fits around the tile. This process will leave you with a U-shaped cut throughout most of the tile, with a small edge to complete the outlet coverage. Gather the pieces and return to the outlet. Test the cut tile by placing it around the outlet without the cut portion remaining.

    • 8

      Adhere the cut tile to the wall, as normal, around the outlet with tile adhesive and a notched trowel to spread the adhesive