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How to Grout an Interior Brick Wall

Regardless of what type of brick installation you are working with, a few simple procedures are the same and grouting is one. Some extra precautionary steps are needed for grouting interior walls, to keep the floors clean, but the overall methods are the same as exterior brick walls. Once you learn the basics you can grout any interior wall quickly and efficiently, customizing every element to your exact specifications.

Things You'll Need

  • Safety glasses
  • Work gloves
  • Drop cloths
  • Grout bag with tip
  • Drill with beater
  • Hand trowel
  • Jointer tool
  • Bucket
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      Prepare your area and materials. Mix some grout according to the manufacturer’s instructions in a bucket and let it sit for several minutes while you finish the other prep. This gives the concrete time to begin its chemical process. Lay down drop cloths around your entire area at least 4 feet out from the wall so you can avoid the excess grout damaging flooring elements.

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      Mix the grout one more time to prepare it for use. Scoop it out of the bucket with the hand trowel and fill your grout bag roughly halfway full. Avoid filling it full until you are comfortable with the tools and processes. Insert the tip of the grout bag into a joint and squeeze the bag to force grout out of the tip and into the joint. Fill the joint full and repeat the process for all joints on the wall.

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      Let the grout sit in the joint for roughly 20 minutes before tooling it with the jointer. Start at the same place you started grouting so that you are always working behind the grout as it begins to cure in the joint. Press the jointer against the joint between the bricks and move the tool along the joint to scoop out the excess grout and tool the joint to its uniform depth across the entire installation.