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How to Affix a Plastic Vapor Barrier to a Concrete Wall

Plastic sheeting as a vapor barrier is commonly installed on concrete walls in basements and crawl spaces. The idea is to prevent moisture from reaching the insulation, drywall or other finishing materials used to cover the concrete walls. The plastic sheeting needs to cover the wall completely and be attached securely to the wall. A combination of boards nailed into place on the wall and caulk creates the necessary bond to hold the vapor barrier in place.

Things You'll Need

  • Acoustical sealant
  • Plastic vapor barrier
  • Treated lumber
  • Masonry nails
  • Caulk
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      Squeeze a continuous bead of acoustical sealant along the top and bottom edge of the concrete walls. Work in small areas, adding more sealant as you move around the room.

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      Press the plastic vapor barrier into the sealant, unrolling it as you go. Leave several inches of the vapor barrier to extend above the top and below the bottom of the wall to ensure full coverage.

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      Position pieces of treated lumber along the edges of the concrete walls over the plastic vapor barrier. Nail the strips of lumber into place using masonry nails. This helps hold the plastic in place.

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      Cut away excess vapor barrier material that extends beyond the wood. Apply a bead of caulk along the top edge of the wood for additional sealing of the vapor barrier.