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How to Create a Walkout From an Existing Basement

The structural soundness of an existing basement helps ensure that building a walk-out egress will go smoothly. Working on the door space will require advice from experts at every step, but the actual construction of a walk-out space is not overly difficult. Reinforcing the door space and maintaining the doorway strength calls for a full understanding of basement construction, however. Watching videos of basement construction is one way to gain more knowledge of what is required to alter the structure for an egress.

Things You'll Need

  • Copy of local building codes
  • Building permit
  • Backhoe
  • Measuring tape
  • Standard walk-out door
  • Sliding glass door unit
  • Carpenter's chalk box
  • Circular saw
  • Masonry blade
  • Electric drill
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Steel doorway lintel
  • Door framing materials
  • PVC pipe, 4-inch diameter (perforated)
  • Gravel
  • Concrete
  • Pre-cast concrete steps
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    • 1

      Check with your local building authorities to review building codes for a walkout basement. Obtain a building permit before starting the project. Ask an expert to help assess the water drainage of the terrain to define the best way to remove and slope dirt for the new walkout door.

    • 2

      Draw the terrain to define where the door placement should be. Ensure the yard will slope at least 7 feet from top of the lawn to the bottom of the basement door for excellent drainage. Excavate the dirt from an exterior wall to the top of the house footing, using a backhoe. Slope the dirt left on the sides to facilitate water drainage away from the walk-out entrance.

    • 3

      Measure the space for the walk-out door, which can be a standard door or sliding door unit. Define exact door placement inside and outside by using a carpenter's chalk box to snap chalk lines. Mark the door dimensions 3 inches wider than the door to allow for door framing. Allow three inches above the door for a wooden header and door framing material.

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      Cut the basement wall with a circular saw equipped with a masonry blade. Take the door space out in small chunks, because sections of concrete block are extremely heavy. Drill into blocks to even up any edges. Drill a line of holes along a desired edge. Chip away excess block material with a hammer and chisel.

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      Make a sliced-out notch on each side of the door to allow room for a steel lintel over the door. Cut a slot 1/2-inch deep and 4 inches wide to the left and right of the top corners. Fit the lintel into place before adding the door framing materials.

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      Build a drain outside the basement door using 4-inch PVC pipe that is perforated. Lay the drain pipe, which should span the width of the door opening parallel to the footer. Cover with a foot of gravels and cover with dirt. Construct a concrete slab patio on the door exterior to cover the drain and gravel. Build this slab even with the surrounding dirt.