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How to Design Sheet Metal Mechanisms

Manufactures create sheet metal mechanisms to be used as parts and tools. These parts are shipped to factories that use them in equipment or other products that are later sold to consumers. To create these mechanisms, the sheet metal must first be cut or pressed into an indented shape from the solid sheet. It becomes shaped into the desired design by using a die and a stamping press.

Things You'll Need

  • Stretch clamps
  • Stamping press
  • Die blank
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    • 1

      Place the sheet metal into the two clamps. Secure the die with the desired design into the stamp press.

    • 2

      Operate the stretch clamps to stretch the sheet metal. Set the controls for the stamp press to lower the die. Push the die into the sheet metal blank to cut out the design.

    • 3

      Press the die into a blank model to indent the sheet metal into a desired design. Remove the clamps and the sheet metal mechanism from the stamping press.