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How to Build a Brick Platform

Brick platforms may look like solid brick all the way through, but they nearly always have a solid cement foundation that prevents the brick from sinking or cracking. In the case of a brick platform, the brick is nearly always a cosmetic addition to a cement foundation, rather than a structural necessity. This project will take a few days from start to finish, because of the time it takes for cement and mortar to cure.

Things You'll Need

  • Boards
  • Hammer
  • Nails
  • Concrete
  • Thin set
  • Bricks
  • Notched trowel
  • Tuck point trowel
  • Plastic spacers
  • Jointer
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  1. Laying Foundation

    • 1

      Build a wooden framework for your cement foundation by nailing together straight lumber in the shape of the platform. The lumber doesn't need to be high quality, but it should be straight. Keep in mind that the cement foundation should be slightly smaller than the overall size of the brick platform, because brick will add height and width to the foundation.

    • 2

      Pour concrete into the framework until it is about half full.

    • 3

      Lay steel rods into the concrete in a grid format. Fill the rest of the frame with concrete.

    • 4

      Level the concrete with a flat board by running the board over the top of the concrete. Use the board to push piles of excess concrete into areas of the frame with less concrete.

    • 5

      Wait for the concrete to cure and then remove the boards from around the concrete.

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      Scrub the foundation with a stiff brush and water to remove excess dust and grit.

    The Top Layer of Brick

    • 7

      Place bricks on the foundation in the pattern of your choice. Leave a half inch gap in between bricks.

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      Remove the bricks and number them on the back with chalk so you will be able to place them where you want them to go.

    • 9

      Spread thin set on the foundation where you plan to lay the first few bricks. Use a notched trowel to spread on the thin set, then use the notched side of the trowel to scrape grooves in the thin set.

    • 10

      Lay the first bricks on the thin set, leaving the half inch gap between bricks.

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      Spread more thin set on the platform where the next bricks will go and continue this process until all the bricks are in place. Insert plastic spacers between the bricks if you would like the space between the bricks to be completely even. Wait for the thin set to cure before proceeding to the next step.

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      Remove the spacers then grout the spaces between the bricks with wet mortar. Use a tuck point trowel. Scrape the excess mortar off the brick, then press a jointer into the remaining mortar to create concave shaped joints.

    Border of Brick

    • 13

      Lay a course of brick around the platform to plan the border of brick around the platform. Number the bricks with chalk, then set them aside.

    • 14

      Select the first brick in the first course around the platform. Spread mortar over the back of the brick that will be facing into the cement foundation, and the sides that will be touching other bricks. Set the brick into position around the foundation and press it into the cement foundation so that the mortar squeezes out behind the brick.

    • 15

      Spread mortar over the back and the sides of the next brick on the course and lay it beside the first brick. Repeat this step until you've laid the first course of brick. When you start the second course, spread mortar over the bottom, back and sides of each brick. Continue this way until the border has been fully formed around the platform.

    • 16

      Use a tuck point trowel between courses to scrape off excess mortar, then press a jointer into the joints to create concave joints.