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How to Attach Roof Trusses to Cement Block

Trusses are roofing structures that support roof decking and shingles. With a traditional framed roof system, joists and rafters are framed on-site, but trusses are assembled in a factory and transported to the job site. Building with trusses substantially reduces labor costs because the trusses can be installed in much less time than it would take to frame a similar roof, yet are not significantly more expensive than unassembled lumber and work equally well with framed or cement block walls. Thus, trusses are a favorite among builders looking to minimize costs and maximize profits. The process of attaching to cement block is straightforward.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Concrete
  • Trowel
  • Mixing pan or wheelbarrow
  • Nail gun
  • Framing nails
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    • 1

      Measure from the front edge of the cement block wall and mark every 24 inches.

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      Mix the concrete, per manufacturer instructions, in the wheelbarrow or mixing pan. Scoop the cement with the trowel and fill the blocks at the 24-inch marks.

    • 3

      Press the lower 4 inches of each hurricane tie into the center of the wet cement at each mark; the face of the ties should run parallel to the wall. Let the cement dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    • 4

      Lower a truss onto the wall and slide it against the hurricane tie. Drive framing nails through the nail holes to connect the tie to the truss.