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How to Install a Liquified Petroleum Tank

Liquified petroleum is often used as a heating fuel or as a fuel for vehicles. It is popular because it releases far fewer harmful products than other more traditional fuels. Because of the extremely combustible nature of the liquified petroleum, it is often not possible to install a liquified petroleum tank without applying for a permit from the local authorities. Consequently, the installation process consists of applying for permission to install the tank and then the actual installation of the tank.

Things You'll Need

  • Propane tank
  • Propane tank lines
  • Propane tank regulator
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      Check any applicable local ordinances and state statutes for information on what documents are required prior to the tank installation. Many municipalities require the submission of a formal application form as well as a detailed site plan. Further, the installation site may be inspected to ensure that the tank is correctly and safely installed. Do not start to install the tank without first confirming what is required with the local authorities.

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      Decide if the tank will be installed above ground or below ground. While a below ground installation may be more aesthetically pleasing, an above ground installation will cost less. Dig a hole for the tank is a below ground installation is decided upon.

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      Choose a location for the tank installation that is free of flammable objects such as firewood or trash. Ensure that the installation location is far from heating or air conditioning units as they can potentially ignite the liquified petroleum.

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      Lower the tank into the installation hole for a below ground installation or alternatively place the tank on the mounting pads or blocks supplied with the tank for an above ground installation. Connect the gas lines to the tank and the propane tank regulator. Complete the installation by having a professional come and test the setup for leaks and to fill the tank.