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The Structural Engineering Requirements for a House

Structural engineering deals with the physical construction of buildings, including homes. Structural engineers work closely with architects to find solutions to the problems of weight and structural integrity that their designs pose. Each home has its own specific structural engineering needs that address some of the same basic requirements of home building.
  1. Foundations

    • Some of the most important structural engineering requirements for a house involve the construction of its foundation. Types of foundation vary based on the type of soil, drainage patterns and elevation of the building site. Structural engineers must find ways to create foundations that can support the house taking into account its design and estimated weight. Homes can be built on slabs or blocks, with or without basements, depending on the engineer's decision, the buyer's budget and local building codes.


    • An existing home might need attention from a structural engineer after experiencing damage that compromises its structural integrity. For example, following a flood or earthquake, structural engineers prepare plans for shoring up foundations to keep homes standing. Termite damage can also leave a home in a position where a structural engineer's inspection means the difference between minor repairs, a major structural overhaul and demolition.


    • Structural engineering determines which materials are appropriate or possible in home construction and renovation. For example, replacing portions of a wood frame home with new brick walls might not be possible without major alterations to the existing foundation. In other cases, homeowners who wish to expand their homes might be able to do so only in certain directions due to the composition and grade of the land. Structural engineering also determines which materials are capable of withstanding the elements.

    Engineering for Disasters

    • Some states and local communities have laws that require homes to be built to special standards to help them withstand disasters. These requirements are especially common in areas prone to earthquakes and for large, multi-unit residential buildings. This type of structural engineering requirement applies to building methods, home locations and materials in order to keep homeowners as safe as possible in the event of an earthquake, flood or fire.