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Colorado Grants for Renewable Energy

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 85 percent of consumers are aware of the term "biodegradable" and 60 percent are aware of the term "sustainability." Renewable energy is a topic of interest to consumers and corporations alike. Funding for green energy projects is available to homeowners and businesses across Colorado.
  1. State Grants for Sustainability

    • Helping residents and business owners implement green energy options or retrofit existing homes and offices to meet clean energy guidelines has been the primary goal of the Governor's Energy Office, or GEO, since 2007. Recharge Colorado is the GEO's mega-site for renewable energy resources throughout the state. Through Recharge Colorado, contractors, homeowners and companies may find rebates, grants funding and information. Recharge Colorado rebate programs have funded more than $90 million in renewable options since 2010.

    Government Green Funding

    • Home to the Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Colorado has long been on the cutting edge of green technologies. Colorado is the largest recipient of weatherization assistance grants from the Department of Energy for energy efficiency, helping low-income families transition toward energy efficient homes. In 2010, NREL received $21 million from the Department of Energy to improve energy use in commercial buildings.

    Renewable Energy Resources

    • The "Advancing Colorado's Renewable Energy" (ACRE) program awarded 15 grants totaling over $600,000 in 2010. Administered by the Colorado Agricultural Value Added Development Board, the program promotes projects that add value to agricultural projects and renewable research in biofuels development, biomass conversion, wind and solar energy. Past awards in Boulder County have included $24,500 to develop a local biodiesel supply chain and $7,500 to develop an agricultural wind energy demonstration guide.

    Reinvesting in America

    • Much of the funding allocated to Colorado has been a direct result of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Companies and families across Colorado have benefited from ARRA through the creation of thousands of jobs and opportunities to participate in renewable energy projects. ARRA is an initiative to reinvest in jobs, research, and businesses across America. ARRA program serves to support the U.S. in progressing toward self-sufficiency in producing renewable energy sources.