Home Garden

Can You Put Laminate Tiles on Carpet?

Laminate flooring is more durable and stain-resistant than ordinary home carpeting. Unlike rolled laminate, floor tiles can be installed quickly. Before installing tiles, however, you must remove the existing flooring. You cannot put laminate tiles on top of a carpeted floor.
  1. Warning

    • The carpeting in your home has an uneven surface of the fibers. Even a thin carpet contains fibers of different shapes and sizes. These fibers give the carpet texture and keep it from looking flat and dull. Laminate must lay on a flat surface, which prevents dents and bumps in the finished flooring. Floor tiles will not adhere properly to a carpeted surface. The adhesive used on laminate tiles will soak into carpeting, creating air bubbles and as a result, an uneven surface.

    Removing the Carpet

    • Removing carpet is a simple task. Transition strips and tack strips keep the carpeting secure and stop the edges from fraying or wearing down. Depending on how your carpet is installed, you might need to remove the moldings on the floor, as they can block the wall edges of the carpet. Unscrew the screws in the tack strips and transition strips. A crowbar slipped underneath the edges of the strips lets you gently pry loose each metal strip.


    • Often times carpeting includes padding between the carpet and sub-flooring or original flooring. The padding adds cushioning to the floor, making it more comfortable to walk on. After removing the carpet, look for padding. Tear the padding away from the floor in strips or chunks. If the installer glued the padding to the floor, you must apply an adhesive solvent that softens or dissolves the glue. Solvent breaks the bond between the padding and the floor.


    • Uneven sub-flooring also can destroy the look of laminate tiles. Adhesive residue left on the floor creates air bubbles under the laminate. Check the floor with a level to ensure the sub-flooring is even before installing laminate. A thick coat of adhesive remover applied and scraped off the floor removes much of the residue. Spot treat any thicker areas, slowly dissolving the layers of old glue.