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How to Install an Outdoor Wood Burner

The warmth and comfort of wood-burned heat is like no other heating sources. The noise of an indoor furnace and the mess and danger of fireplaces make it seem almost impossible to enjoy them. Outdoor wood burners, on the other hand, takes all the noise and mess out of the house. All that enters your home is the subtle warmth of a wood burning fire. You don't have to worry about have children running around open flames. And the significant cuts to your electricity costs will make you enjoy your wood burner even more each time it is used.

Things You'll Need

  • Concrete mixture
  • Concrete blocks
  • Railroad ties
  • PEX pipes
  • PVC pipe
  • 110V wire
  • Compression fittings
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Outdoor wood burning furnace
  • 15A circuit breaker
  • Water
  • Wood
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    • 1

      Choose a location where to install the furnace. It can be placed anywhere up to 500 feet away from the house.

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      Make a cement mixture. Follow the instruction on how to make the cement mix that came with your cement. Pour a slab of concrete to create a very sturdy base for the furnace. The concrete should be at least 4 inches thick. Make sure the slab is as wide and as long as the furnace you have purchased. Extend the slab a few more feet so you can stand close to the furnace when loading it. Let the cement dry for at least 24 hours.

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      Position the wood burner onto the hardened cement. The weight of the burner will keep it in place.

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      Run PEX pipes from the furnace to the house. How far the burner is from the house will determine how many lengths of PEX pipes you'll need. The heat from the burner will run through this pipe to the house. You'll also need a PVC pipe that is 4 to 6 inches where the 110V wire will run from the house to the burner.

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      Position the heat exchanger in the output plenum. The plenum is where the heat from the furnace will come out as air into the house. The method of attaching the plenum will depend on what type of wood burner you are using. However, most models will require you to cut out a section of the wall of your house to insert the plenum into.

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      Connect the PEX tube underneath the furnace at one end and to the heat exchanger in the house at the other end using a compression fitting. Join the compression fittings using an adjustable wrench to achieve a tight fit.

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      Install a 15A circuit breaker if you don't already have one in your breaker box. This is needed to provide power to the furnace. Connect the 110V wire to the 15A breaker and to the back side of the furnace.

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      Fill the water tank in the furnace with water. The water tank surrounds the firebox. The firebox holds the fire to be burned. The method of how to fill the water tank will depend on the model of your wood burner. Check the wood burner manual to see where to fill the water.

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      Add wood to the firebox. Put in wood through the small hatch door on the front side of the furnace.