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Fireplaces for Cabins

Log cabin getaways are popular accommodation choices for outdoorsy types on hiking or mountain climbing vacations. Many log cabin resorts are in mountain regions, which offer cold weather during the winter season. During this time, log cabin dwellers will enjoy the warmth provided by the fireplace in their living room or bedroom. Different types of fireplaces are available for log cabins, each with pros and cons.
  1. Wood-burning Fireplaces

    • Wood-burning fireplaces are a common style of fireplace in log cabins and one of the most cost-efficient, since you are not relying on electricity or propane gas to keep the fire going. Many resorts with log cabins have a convenience store that sells firewood. Buying firewood from a nearby vendor can also help the local economy, since other sources of heat, such as gas or electricity, are usually controlled by national or regional corporations. Also, the cabin's inhabitants can supply chop their own firewood free of charge. Wood-burning fireplaces fit in with the rustic ambiance a log cabin offers and do not require a glass door in front of the flames since they do not have any combustible features.

    Gas Fireplaces

    • Log cabin owners or guests with gas-burning fireplaces have the advantage of getting heat with minimal effort, since they do not have to purchase or chop wood. All that is needed to turn on a gas fireplace is the flip of a switch or a remote control. Most gas fireplaces are eco-friendly, since they require only a minimum amount of fuel. These fireplaces do not emit smoke into the room, like traditional wood-burning fireplaces, and there is no risk of ashes jumping out onto your cabin floor. Various gas fireplace models can be inserted into your cabin, such as see-through models that provide heat for two rooms; flames are controlled in gas fireplaces and there is no worry of smoke.

    Electric Fireplaces

    • For log cabins that do not have chimneys, or much space, a heating alternative is an electric-operated fireplace. These types of fireplaces can be set up in a traditional sense for décor purposes, but they are also mobile and can be placed in various areas of the room. The pliability of electric fireplaces makes them much easier to install than wood-burning or gas fireplaces. Much like gas fireplaces, all that is needed to turn on the flames is a remote or switch. One con of electric fireplaces, though, is that they can be a more costly form of heating; using heat from an electric fireplace will raise the amount of your power bill.