Home Garden

How to Install a Wood Stove Pipe Through a Roof

A wood stove heating system relies on a properly functioning and correctly installed chimney assembly. The chimney piping attaches to the wood stove's firebox, draws the fire's smoke from the firebox and carries it up through the roof to exhaust it safely. The procedure for penetrating the roof and installing the chimney insures a safe, watertight assembly to provide many years of efficient heating.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Tape measure
  • Plumb bob
  • Power drill
  • 1/2-inch drill bit
  • Jigsaw
  • Chimney assembly with roof and collar flashing
  • Hammer
  • 1-inch roofing nails
  • Caulking gun
  • Silicone caulking
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    • 1

      Set the wood stove in place following the manufacturer's specifications.

    • 2

      Access the ceiling from a ladder and use a plumb bob to transfer the center point of the wood stove's chimney flange to the ceiling surface.

    • 3

      Bore a 1/2 inch hole through the roof sheathing and roofing at the center point marked in Step 2.

    • 4

      Access the roof and locate the hole drilled from below in Step 3.

    • 5

      Center the chimney's roof flashing over the hole and mark the outside silhouette of the flashing's base. Set the chimney flashing aside and remove the roofing within the flashing outline to enable the flashing set on the roofing paper. Retain the removed roofing for reuse.

    • 6

      Mark the chimney hole perimeter, centered on the 1/2 inch drilled hole. Offset the perimeter line marked by 2 inches to the outside to allow clearance between the wood sheathing and the chimney assembly, then cut out the chimney opening using a jigsaw. The final opening will be centered above the wood stove and approximately 4 inches larger in diameter than the chimney piping.

    • 7

      Assemble the chimney piping sections following the manufacturer's specifications, beginning at the wood stove chimney flange. Connect the individual sections together to the point where the chimney assembly passes through the roof hole.

    • 8

      Return to the roof and install the chimney's roof flashing. Slide the flashing over the top of the chimney section protruding through the roof, then push the flashing downward until it rests flat on the roof's surface. For waterproofing, the roofing paper must be continuous and intact beneath the flashing base, and overlap the upper edge by about 2 inches.

    • 9

      Attach the chimney flashing using roofing nails. Secure the flashing base at each corner, but don't put any nails through the flashing's top edge where the roofing paper overlaps it.

    • 10

      Install the chimney's collar flashing, also called the "counterflashing," over the chimney pipe and secure it slightly above the roof flashing.

    • 11

      Apply a continuous seal of silicone caulking at the seam between the chimney pipe surface and the inside edge of the collar flashing.

    • 12

      Complete the remaining chimney sections and cap assembly following the manufacturer's specifications.