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How to Weave Laminate Shingles

Laminated shingles, also known as architectural shingles, are slightly thicker than the standard 3-tab asphalt shingle, and are similar in shape and installation techniques. A weave technique is often used when installing the shingles in a roof valley. The overlapping of the shingles protects the roof from leaking at a vulnerable point. The first bottom row laid starting at the left side of the roof, with the second bottom row coming from the right side of the roof.

Things You'll Need

  • Laminate shingles
  • Roofing tar
  • Roofing nails, standard sized
  • Roofing tacks
  • Hammer
  • Shingle cutter
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    • 1

      Lay the left bottom row until you reach the valley. The first shingle you lay into the valley as you continue that straight row should be gently pressed down in the middle until it conforms to the shape of the valley. Do not nail it down but use two tacks into the shingle to hold it steady. If you need multiple shingles to span the valley width then lay them down as normal, again tacking them. The shingles should reach so that there is at least a full shingle covering the other roof side.

    • 2

      Slide an extra shingle under the last one you laid to protect it from two cuts that you need to make. Start at the upper right edge and make a 45 degree cut to the left through the shingle so that the upper right edge has a sharp tip to it, pointing to the right. This sharp tip also needs to be cut about 2 inches back from the point, and with a 45 degree angle cut from the left to the right.

    • 3

      Start a new bottom row on the right half edge of the roof and work towards the valley. When you reach the valley continue over the previous laid left-side shingles until at least one shingle extends into the other side of the roof. Tar and nail these shingles over the bottom ones from the other direction. The nails also pass through the shingles underneath and hold them in place. The end shingle from the right hand row is cut similarly to the left hand row, but reverse the directions and cut it so that the pointy tip is directed to the left side of the roof. The end shingle from every left and right hand row you lay is cut in the same fashion.

    • 4

      Start the second row of left side shingles and continue to the valley. Lay the shingles over the first right row, and continue on through the valley. Nail the left hand shingles as usual.

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      Continue to add alternating rows, with each row overlapping the previous row in the valley coming from the other direction, until you reach the roof line. Cap the roof as usual.