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How to Make a Painted Front Porch Last

A painted front porch can look great at first, but over time, the paint can begin to peel and chip and you're left with a mess. A porch is exposed to numerous elements and changes in temperature, not to mention heavy foot traffic. However, you don't have to be content with a fading porch. There are several ways that you can make a painted front porch last -- and this starts before you even begin painting.

Things You'll Need

  • Power washer
  • Power sander
  • Oil-based paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Paint thinner
  • Rubber gloves
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      Power wash the porch first. Remove any items on the porch and rent or borrow a power washer. Porch surfaces can hold ground-in dirt and debris which can cause paint to peel or crack over time. You will need a completely clean surface.

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      Sand down the wood. If you already have paint on the porch, use a belt sander fitted with a medium to heavy grade of sandpaper. If the wood is bare, a light sanding with a fine grade of sandpaper will be sufficient. This will give the paint a better surface to adhere to.

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      Protect your skin. Oil-based paint is a pain to clean up. Avoid having to use harsh chemicals on your skin by wearing rubber gloves while you paint. Dishwashing gloves work great for this use.

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      Apply a thin coat of oil-based paint. While water-based latex is easier to work with and clean up, oil-based paint will actually penetrate the surface of the wood and last longer. Use a paintbrush and go with the grain of the wood. Apply light coats with smooth, long strokes. It is better to have to do two or three coats rather than glopping on paint that will crack later because it wasn't applied properly. Allow the first coat a few hours to dry before proceeding with any additional coats.

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      Clean your brushes. Use paint thinner to clean your brushes up or to clean up any mistakes. If necessary, apply touch-ups to the porch, but at this point, if you worked slowly and carefully, your porch should be ready. Wait at least one full day to let the paint completely dry before putting any outdoor furniture on the porch or walking on it.