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How to Drywall the Inside of a Garage

Adding drywall to a garage will give the area a finished look and help insulate the space. It's best to insulate between the wall studs before you drywall. Use batted insulation rated for your area and nail it into place before you begin the project. Drywall panels are heavy. You'll likely need a friend to help you attach the drywall to taller areas of the garage.

Things You'll Need

  • Measuring tape
  • Utility knife
  • Drywall panels
  • Drywall screwdriver
  • Drywall screws
  • Drywall tape
  • Joint compound
  • Drywall knife
  • Fine-grit sanding block
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      Measure the panels needed for each wall. Cut the panels to fit by scoring the back with a utility knife. Snap the panel to break it along the line. Cut through the paper with the utility knife.

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      Hang the panels on the wood frames of the garage. Start at the bottom of the wall. Line up the first panel so the bottom is level with the garage floor. Insert drywall screws into the wood frame at a rate of one screw for every 12 vertical inches. Tighten the screws until the head dimples the top of the panel, but does not punch through the paper. Repeat with the remaining panels.

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      Tape off your seams with drywall tape. Self-adhesive tape eliminates the step of mudding the joints first. Start at the top and firmly press the tape along the drywall seams. Tape off the corners, tops and bottoms of each panel.

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      Apply joint compound over the tape with a drywall knife. Smooth on a thin layer that hides the tape. Extend your edges out slightly on either side of the tape. As you work, scrape off the excess compound with the edge of your knife. This will reduce sanding time later. Let the compound set until it's hard to the touch.

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      Sand the compound smooth with a fine-grit sanding block. A block works best and is easier to hold onto, although you can use a piece of sandpaper if you prefer. The surface of the compound should be flush with the rest of the panel and smooth to the touch.

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      Prime and paint the panels with latex-based paint. Prime the panel and let it dry for four hours. Apply the first coat of paint and let it dry. If necessary, add a second coat.