Home Garden

How to Heat Buildings With Solar Energy

Energy from the sun -- called solar energy -- is plentiful and free. The solar energy that falls on the Earth's surface in just 20 days equals all the oil, coal and natural gas reserves left on Earth. With energy prices rising, solar energy can be a way to supplement a home's energy use. The rays from the sun can be used to heat a house if the right conditions exist and if the homeowner is willing to adapt the home.


  1. Instructions

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      Determine if your house receives enough sunlight. Some locations offer more powerful sunlight and more hours of sunlight, with the southern United States and the desert in the West receiving more sunlight than the North. The position of the home and the presence of trees or other natural features can affect how much solar energy can be harnessed. Sun charts and sun gauges can be found online or at your local university.

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      Decide which type of solar energy system you want -- either active or passive. Passive solar energy systems simply collect the sun's energy, while active systems move that energy with fans or other automated parts. An example of a passive system would be the installation of floor-to-ceiling windows on the south side of the house, with the windows acting like a giant magnifying glass that draws the heat into the house. An active system would be the installation of a greenhouse-like room that collects heat from the sun, along with a fan system with pipes that bring that heat to different areas of the home.

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      Evaluate what changes will be needed in your home and whether the construction is cost-effective. Harnessing the sun's energy and bringing it into your home could require extensive remodeling or could be a simple weekend project. How much time and money you want to put into the project should be partly determined by the amount of money you would save on energy bills. Use an online solar calculator or consult a solar expert to determine your savings.