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DIY Concrete Stamping & Staining

One of the most effective ways to spruce up a driveway or patio is to add stamped and stained concrete. Stamped concrete can create many different looks such as stone, wood, brick or a pattern. The process of stamping and staining concrete yourself requires some special equipment and patience. It is not complicated, but it will take some manual labor on your part. You should bring along some friends as this job will take more than one person, in most cases.

Things You'll Need

  • Concrete
  • Concrete stamp
  • Concrete stain
  • Trowel
  • Float
  • Sealer
  • 2 by 4s
  • Release agent
  • Water hose
  • Stakes
  • Hammer
  • Compactor
  • Level
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    • 1

      Create a form for the concrete area. Use the 2 by 4s to create the shape of the frame. Lay the 2 by 4s on the ground and drive stakes on both sides of the boards.

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      Make a level surface inside the form. Use a compactor to pack down the ground in this area. Check the area with a level to make sure that it is even and level.

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      Pour the concrete into the form. While you can mix it up yourself, it is generally much simpler to have the concrete delivered by a professional. The concrete stain can be mixed into the concrete at this point in the truck. Fill the concrete in the form up to the desired height.

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      Level the concrete with the float. Make sure that the surface is smooth and level before beginning the stamping process.

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      Apply the release agent to the surface of the concrete. The release agent will compliment the color of the concrete and about 20 percent of the color of the agent will be left behind later.

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      Stamp the concrete surface with your concrete stamps. This process involves pressing the stamps down into the concrete firmly. During this part of the process, you may need help from others so that you can get the entire area stamped before the concrete starts to dry.

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      Allow the concrete to dry. You should leave the concrete for approximately 24 hours before walking on it or doing anything else.

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      Spray off the concrete with a water hose. This will help remove the release agent from the surface.