Home Garden

Concrete Driveway Alternatives

Most homeowners believe they have to replace their concrete driveway with another concrete driveway. While concrete is a durable material that may seem ideal, there are many driveway alternatives. Many of them work just as well as concrete and some even out-perform concrete in certain ways. Driveways no longer have to be the boring gray concrete that many homeowners grew up with. Today, homeowners can choose from stained concrete, pervious concrete, cobble stones, decomposed granite, and even river rocks.
  1. Concrete Stain

    • While gray concrete is very common and easy to come by, many homeowners find they can make their driveways stand out more or look more pleasing by simply staining their concrete driveways. If you have an existing driveway that is in good condition, staining the concrete can be an alternative to a regular old driveway. Stains come in many different colors and you can apply them in different patterns as well.

    Pervious Concrete

    • Pervious concrete is the environmentally friendly alternative to a concrete driveway. It is just as strong as regular concrete but it looks like gravel. It allows water to filter through the concrete and absorb back into the ground instead of just running off. This is a good alternative to areas that have a lot of concrete, such as long driveways. Pervious concrete is more expensive but it is slowly becoming more common, which will help to bring down the cost.


    • Many homeowners like to have their driveways match the style of their homes. Many times, a concrete driveway is not the best choice but cobblestone pavers are. Cobblestone pavers come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors giving a warmer feel to the driveway. Placed in a pattern, the individual stones can break up the long expanse of a driveway. They are also good for drainage as water seeps down between the pavers instead of sheeting down the driveway into the street.

    River Rock and Granite Chips

    • For a more natural look, many homeowners are turning to river rock as an alternative to cobblestones and concrete. River rock is a very rustic looking material and goes well with cabin-like designs. While they can be a bumpy ride driving in, they offer all the advantages of cobblestone. An alternative similar to river rocks is to use decomposed granite chips. These are just as strong as concrete with proper ground preparation. Unlike river rocks and cobble stones, decomposed granite chips are loose like gravel and will need occasional replacement as some of it washes away.