Home Garden

How to Make Cool Basement Ceilings

A basement presents an opportunity to create an extension of your living space. Since it’s often far removed from the rest of your home, you can take the opportunity to try something creative when it comes to decorating.

Things You'll Need

  • Polystyrene tiles
  • Chalk line
  • Tile adhesive
  • Chalk
  • High-gloss acrylic paint
  • Paint brushes
  • Measuring tape
  • Fabric
  • Staple gun
  • Random objects
  • Urethane glue
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      Install lightweight polystyrene tiles with a distinctive, eye-catching pattern. Locate the center of the ceiling and extend a chalk line across it. Snap the line to make a guide mark. Apply tile adhesive to the back of one polystyrene tile, and press it in place alongside the guide mark. Continue the gluing and pressing process, working your way across the ceiling until covered.

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      Paint a mural that spans the entire basement ceiling, turning the space into a cool work of art. Draw out the mural on a piece of paper beforehand for planning purposes. Use chalk or light pencil to draw the pattern or picture outlines onto the ceiling and fill in with high-gloss acrylic paints in the colors of choice.

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      Cover the ceiling in fabric using a bunching effect for a cool texture. Measure both the length and width of the basement ceiling. Double the length, and cut a piece of decorative fabric to the measurements. Hold the fabric piece up to the ceiling’s center, and staple in place with a staple gun. Gather a section of the fabric, bunch it up, and staple in place. Continue this pattern until the ceiling is completely covered.

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      Turn your basement ceiling into an eclectic work of art by attaching random objects. Collect small items that look cool such as an old ceramic plate, a collection of post cards or plastic charms. Attach the items in a pattern on your ceiling using urethane glue.