Home Garden

Homemade Roofing

Whether homemade or professionally constructed, having a secure roof over your head is inseparable from security and peace of mind. Roofing must satisfy the basic requirement of providing protection against the elements. Durability, watertightness, sloping and wind resistance are essential roofing qualities when considering erecting a new roof over your home or building.


  1. Homemade Roofing Options

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      Go back to basics with leafy ceilings. Prior to modern roofing, homeowners took advantage of the luxuriant vegetation and have skilfully woven and put together leaves for shelter. This type of roofing was homemade and very common centuries ago. Thatched roofing is another brand of homemade roofing comprised of a mixture of mud and grass. The tops of huts and tepees were covered with this combination to form a strong, compact shelter.

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      Use tarpaulin to make a homemade roof. Tarpaulin has a plastic quality which gives a sort of watertightness because of its waxed surface. Tarpaulin is most often used to shield material such as sand and sports fields from excessive wetness.

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      Use cloth roofing. Effective only in fair weather, cloth roofing is another homemade roofing that one with sparse resources can take advantage of. Similar to the Amerindian tepees, made of taut animal skins, fabric architecture is a successful means of shutting out the elements and guarantees a measure of protection. Although cloth does not possess any peculiar aesthetic traits, it is functional, fulfilling its duty is supplying an effective and affordable covering.