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How to Hang Ceiling Tiles Using Adhesive

Decorative ceiling tiles are making a resurgence in popularity among homeowners and home decorators. They are available in metals, primarily tin, and in plastics made to resemble metals. Ceiling tiles come in a variety of colors, sizes and patterns, ranging from plain and simple to ornate and intricate, making them a good fit for any decorating style. Metal ceiling tiles also provide the benefit of fire resistance.

Things You'll Need

  • Hammer
  • Joint compound
  • Putty knife
  • Medium-grit sandpaper
  • Chalk line
  • Caulking gun
  • Construction adhesive
  • Newspaper
  • Rag
  • Ladder
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      Inspect the ceiling for popped nails and hammer them back in place.

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      Apply joint compound with a putty knife to fill in depressions, cracks and holes.

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      Sand the ceiling with medium-grit sandpaper to level high spots and remove old paint, grease and dirt. Adhesives require a clean surface to adhere properly, and they grip better to a somewhat rough surface than they do to smooth, slick surfaces.

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      Extend a chalk line from the corner of the room to the opposite corner and snap the line. Repeat in the opposite corner. You will have an "X" on the ceiling. The center of the "X" is the starting point.

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      Load a caulking gun with construction adhesive. To load a caulking gun, slide the plunger back, lay the adhesive tube onto the housing of the gun with the pointed end of the tube sticking out of the circular end of the gun. Slowly release the plunger until it rests on the bottom, flat end of the construction adhesive tube. Use a utility knife to slice off the point and pierce the inner skin with a sharp nail.

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      Place several layers of newspaper on your work surface and place the ceiling tile on the newspaper with the good side facing down. Apply dime-sized dots of construction adhesive every 2 inches over the entire surface of the tile.

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      Place the tile in the center of the ceiling and press firmly in place. Run your hand back and forth over the entire tile to ensure firm adhesion. Repeat with the subsequent tiles, butting them up to each other tightly. Make cuts as necessary with metal power shears. Continue until tiles cover the entire ceiling. Wipe up excess adhesive immediately with a damp rag.