Home Garden

How do I Install Jimway Recessed Lighting?

Installing Jimway recessed lighting is the perfect way to modernize and update the lighting in your home. Recessed lighting can add a lot of light or just a bit more light to the rooms in your home. The installation of recessed lighting can take several days to complete. Once installed homeowners can add dimmer switches to the lighting that allow for more control over the fixtures. Learning how to install Jimway recessed lighting will help you to get started with this project.

Things You'll Need

  • Electronic stud finder
  • Jimway recessed lights
  • Drop cloths
  • Screwdriver
  • Jigsaw
  • Safety goggles
  • Electrical cable
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    • 1

      Turn off the power to your home at the breaker box.

    • 2

      Find the location of the ceiling joists with an electronic stud finder.

    • 3

      Decide where the lighting should be located. Space the can lighting 6 to 7 feet apart. Hold the light up to the ceiling and trace around the light so you know where to cut the holes in the ceiling.

    • 4

      Place drop cloths on the furniture in the room to protect it from falling debris as you install the lights.

    • 5

      Take down the existing light fixture. Unscrew the base of the fixture, unhook the wiring and remove the fixture.

    • 6

      Cut holes in the ceiling drywall with a jigsaw. Wear protective goggles to keep debris out of your eyes as you work.

    • 7

      Run several lengths of electrical cable through the ceiling to connect the new Jimway can lights with the existing power supply of the old light fixture.

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      Mount the Jimway lights in the ceiling per manufacturer directions. There are two different types of can lights. One type connects directly to ceiling joists while the other has braces that keep it in place on top of the drywall.

    • 9

      Install a cable connector for each can light. Match the corresponding red, black and green wires of the electrical cable with the wiring in the can light. Twist the ends together and install a wire nut over the top of the wires.

    • 10

      Gently snap the trim pieces into place in the lights.