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How Do We Install Urethane Ceiling Medallions?

Ceiling medallions are decorative features added to your ceiling, which surround light fixtures and relieve the monotony of a plain painted or textured ceiling. Though ceiling medallions are available in a variety of materials, including wood and plaster, urethane medallions are commonly used by DIY enthusiasts due to their lightweight nature. When molded into a medallion, the urethane is light enough that a single person can mount even larger medallions of up to 24 inches in diameter. Urethane is also capable of holding an ornate shape that's difficult to damage and will accept any household paint. This makes it a welcome addition to most homes, adding elegance to your ceiling while blending in with your existing décor.

Things You'll Need

  • Ladder
  • Screwdriver
  • Stud finder
  • Measuring tape
  • Electric drill
  • Cloth
  • Utility knife
  • Paintbrush
  • Construction adhesive
  • Coated screws
  • Sponge
  • Caulk
  • Joint compound
  • Sandpaper
  • Respirator
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    • 1

      Turn off the power to the room where you're installing the urethane ceiling medallion at your home's breaker box. Verify that the power is off by flipping on the ceiling fixture light switch and making certain the light does not come on. Position a ladder beneath the fixture location and have a helper steady it during use. Climb the ladder and remove the ceiling fixture with a screwdriver. Set it aside for replacement after the medallion installation.

    • 2

      Climb the ladder again and locate the ceiling joists surrounding the fixture area with a stud finder. Measure the distance from the center of the fixture hole to the nearest joists with a measuring tape. Use those measurements to drill mounting screw holes through the medallion for securing the medallion to the ceiling into the ceiling joists. Use an electric drill to drill and countersink the holes into the medallion surface about 1/8-inch deep, one mounting hole to each side of the medallion where it covers a joist. Wipe the surface of the medallion free of dust with a clean cloth.

    • 3

      Set up the layout of the medallion by climbing the ladder and holding the medallion against the ceiling. Holding the medallion in place with one hand, outline its position on the ceiling with a pencil using the other hand. Use the pencil to mark the drill holes over the joists as well.

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      Drill pilot holes into the ceiling placed at your markings for mounting the medallion.

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      Cut any center hole necessary for mounting the fixture through the medallion into the medallion center with a utility knife.

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      Brush adhesive along the rear of the medallion. Align the screw holes in the medallion with the screw holes in the ceiling joists and then press the medallion in place. Hold it against the ceiling for 30 seconds to allow the adhesive to begin binding the medallion with the ceiling.

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      Secure the medallion to the ceiling by driving coated screws through the mounting holes and into the pilot holes in the ceiling. Make sure the screws go beneath the medallion surface into the countersink holes provided.

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      Remove any excess adhesive with a damp sponge and then wait 24 hours for the adhesive to dry. Place a bead of caulk around the perimeter of the medallion to conceal the joint between the medallion and ceiling surface. Fill the screw holes above the screws with joint compound to conceal the screws. Allow the compound to dry for a few hours then sand the hardened compound smooth with the surrounding medallion surface using sandpaper.

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      Replace the fixture and then restore the electricity to the room.