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How to Build a Motorized Toy Car

Your kid has been pestering you for a new motorized toy car and you finally get ready to make one. Now where do you begin? It is easy if you have done it before, but most people do not have a lot of experience in this area. This article can help you with understanding the steps to building a motorized toy car for your child or even one for yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • A kit containing the car with an electric motor.
  • Instruction Book
  • A pair of wrenches to fit
  • A medium screwdriver
  • Some Instant glue
  • Batteries to fit
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    • 1

      Make sure you have everything handy. You do not want to look for things in the middle of your project. You are building it for your child however you are as excited about the hobby as she is. You can almost smell the fumes at the race track.

    • 2

      Open the box to reveal all the parts. Do not be discouraged by what you see, because it will turn to a beautiful machine and will make you proud. Separate all the body pieces together with the tires, stacked in one place. The engine which would comprise of the electric motor and the batteries goes in another.

    • 3

      Make sure that all pieces go in their rightful place. Or else, one, it may not fit and ,two, it won’t look right. Putting the body together is the easy part for most people. The pieces go in together easily and after the car is assembled you get a feeling of accomplishment.

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      Take the instruction manual and follow the steps given in that. The motor has to be installed in a place so it can power the car as well as be out of the way. Once that is accomplished, connect the battery compartment to it and test that the motor is working.

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      Installing the motor is a major accomplishment. When you have that running then you have to go on to the axle. That takes the power and transfers it to the wheels. The axle has to be installed correctly for the whole apparatus to work. Finally, you have the axle in place and running. Connect the front axle, which in some models would be a free wheeler.

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      Finishing the car requires that the base be put in place. It should go in fairly easily and once it is in the position you want it snap everything in place and except for the wheels, your car is done. Fit your model with wheels and tires and your model itself is complete.

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      Stick the stenciled pictures and the stickers in place to finish your model. This should be the fun part.