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How to Make a Wooden Gun Holder

Wooden gun holders are a functional addition to camps, cabins and other hunting areas. They offer quick access to a rifle as well as a spot to showcase a rifle. Wooden gun holders are simple in design and quick to build. They require very few materials as well as little carpentry knowledge. A basic design for a gun holder will hold one rifle in a vertical position. The gun will rest on its butt pad and the barrel will fit through a hole cut in wood to keep it from falling over.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Straightedge
  • 2 oak boards, 1-by-4-by-4-inches
  • Oak board, 1-by-4-by-36-inches
  • Drill
  • 2-inch drill bit
  • 3/32-inch drill bit
  • 3/8-inch drill bit
  • Screw gun
  • Stud finder
  • Level
  • 4 wood screws, 2-inch
  • 2 wood screws, 4-inch
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    • 1

      Draw a line from corner to corner on one of the 4-inch boards. Drill a 2-inch hole where the lines intersect. The barrel of your gun will fit through this hole.

    • 2

      Position the 4-inch boards on edge, parallel and 34 inches apart. Lay the 36-inch board on top of them so the edges are flush. Drill 3/32-inch holes through 36-inch board and into the 4-inch boards. There should be two holes that enter each 4-inch board at the 1/2-inch center on the edge. Space the holes 2 inches apart. These are pilot holes for the 2-inch screws.

    • 3

      Drill a 1/4-inch-deep, 3/8-inch hole into each pilot hole on the 36-inch board. This will hide the screw heads when the gun holder is mounted on the wall. Screw the boards together using the 2-inch screws.

    • 4

      Drill two more pilot holes through the 36-inch board. There should be a hole at each end, 2 inches away from the ends and 2 inches away from each edge. Drill a 1/4-inch-deep, 3/8-inch hole into each of these holes.

    • 5

      Locate a stud in the wall where you would like to hang your gun holder. Position your gun holder against the wall vertically, with the 4-inch board that has the hole on top and so both 4-inch boards are parallel with the floor. Use your level to ensure these are true. Screw the holder to the wall using the two 4-inch screws and the pilot holes drill in the previous step.