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What Are Stairs Used For?

Before the invention of stairs, people had to remain on level ground. Since the invention of stairs, people have found ways to use them for several creative purposes besides simply connecting one floor to another. They're used for storage, sitting and exercise, and provide space for hanging decorations during the holidays.
  1. Transportation

    • Stairs are used to carry people between building levels. They are used in houses, schools, business and churches, among other sites. Stairs are used as the primary mode in buildings four floors or less; buildings with more than four floors tend to have elevators.

    Emergency Response

    • In buildings with more than four floors with elevators, stairs are used in case of emergency. In case of an elevator malfunction, power outage, fire or natural disaster, tenants are urged to use the stairwell instead of the elevator.


    • Stairs are often used for exercise purposes, whether for stretching, cardio, strength training or weight loss. Some people use the stairs in lieu of the elevator in an attempt to lose a few pounds; others run up and down the stairs to build up a sweat and gain muscle. The stairs can also be used for strength training by doing lunges, squats, jumping or taking multiple stairs at a time. Stairs are an inexpensive alternative to gym memberships and home equipment. Some of the people who participate in stair workouts are firefighters, police officers and athletes of all levels.


    • Many homeowners use the space under the stairs for storage of items such as sports equipment, seasonal gear, coats, hats and other outerwear accessories, shoes and books. The area underneath staircases can also be used for books, beds, wine storage and bathrooms.